Putting Up Barriers to Biological Aging

Young father measures biological age

What if your next biological age test tells you that your biological age is too high? If only biological aging was like an unwanted visitor in our lives. Then, all we would have to do was close the door, turn off the lights, and then wait for them to leave. But this is not the way aging works, unfortunately. Aging is something that is always happening in our bodies, from the time we arrive on the planet. However, this does not mean we need to simply give up and assume that aging is completely out of our control. There are ways in which we can put up barriers to the aging process, slowing it down as much as possible – while feeling great at the same time.

Keeping Out the Sun Slows Down Biological Aging

One of the easiest ways to stop the signs of biololgical aging on your skin is to use sunscreen each and every day. Even when it’s cloudy, the sun is still shining outside, so sunscreen is essential then too. Only when it’s nighttime is the sun not impacting your skin in some way. There are harmful UVB and UVA rays which can cause the skin to mutate, which can lead to not only sun damage like wrinkles and lines, but also it can increase your risk of skin cancers. By applying about one ounce of sunscreen to your body each time you’re heading out into the sun (on the exposed areas), then you can keep that sunlight from aging your skin.

Blocking Free Radicals Helps Lower Biological Age

lower biological aging

In the air right now are free radicals which are created through pollution. These free radicals cause the skin to age, but they can also create damage in the internal organs. Since these particles can enter into the skin, they can begin to saturate the body and cause the aging process to become quicker. While pollution may not be something you can avoid, you can stop the damage by eating more antioxidant foods, like citrus fruits. This way, they can stop the free radicals from damaging your skin and create havoc in your body. Supplements can also be helpful when fruit isn’t available. Look for Vitamin C, especially, to add to your diet. That would make a definite improvement on your biological age.

Choosing a Positive Attitude Make You Feel Biologically Younger

The way you feel about your life can impact the way you age. If you have and cultivate a positive attitude, you are more likely to stay younger for longer. This positive attitude will work as a barrier against disease, damage, and even fatigue. Choosing right now to look for the bright side of life is the best way to keep the unwanted visitor of aging away from your life.

You can stop the process of aging or at least minimize it by realizing what can damage your body inside and out. With just a few minor lifestyle adjustments, you will begin to feel as though you are a kid again – and you’ll look the part too.

Testing Your Biological (Body's) Real Age

Biological Age Test

The Biological Age Test can help you find out in moments what your biological age is and how your age is changing. For some, this might mean they are aging too rapidly. For others, good habits may show that their biological age is moving downward, making them healthier and more youthful. It’s never too late to make changes in your life either. No matter what the results, being able to track one’s biological age will help you find out whether you are heading in the right direction for health or if you need to turn around and ask for more directions.

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Home Health Assessments

Health Snapshot

But as many of us are still a little out of touch with the way our bodies feel, it can be helpful to use something like Health Reviser’s Health Snapshot on a daily basis. This health program will allow you to see just how healthy you are now and then you can track this progress from day to day. In just a few minutes, the program will measure the health in your body, allowing you to see whether you need to make more changes to your diet and exercise plan or if you are on the road to good health. Convenient to use and helpful for long term health assessment and monitoring, Health Snapshot allows you to see whether you need to make changes to your life – and then you can see how these changes improve your health.

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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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Biological Age Test

Biological Age Test. Personal tool to evaluate and monitor biological age. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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