Can Caffeine Be Good for Your Health?

Caffeine and Your Health

Reading the newspaper can be a stressful activity. One day you might read that meat is good for you, while the next day you will read that it’s the worst thing you could feed your body. It’s difficult to determine what you should believe and what you should dismiss. Caffeine is one of those hotly debated topics when it comes to your health. And since so many people enjoy tea and coffee around the world, understanding the effects of caffeine is probably a good idea when you’re concerned about your health.


Antioxidants in Coffee, Anti-carcinogens in Tea

What many people don’t realize is that coffee actually comes from berries. And when these berries are harvested, inside are the coffee beans. This allows coffee to be rich in antioxidants which can protect the heart and the body from damage. In addition, tea has been linked with helping the body fight off cancerous growths while also having cancer protective qualities due to the makeup of the chemicals in the tea leaves. Sometimes to keep in mind, however, is that some of the anti-cancer and healthy benefits are negated when you add milk or cream to these drinks. Thus, it’s best to drink these drinks without additional dairy whenever possible.

Too Much Can Cause Health Troubles

Caffeine cocktail

At the same time, coffee and tea also contain caffeine, which can cause the body to speed up and to be more alert. This is generally a good thing, but when the body has too much caffeine, it can begin to feel fatigued. The adrenal glands can begin to tire, causing you to feel worn out and stressed. Those with heart or blood pressure problems can find that caffeine actually causes them to have a faster heart rate than they might like to have. In addition, caffeine is being linked with sudden deaths among athletes who drink an excessive amount before competitive events.

A Moderate Approach

Like with anything you eat or drink, a common sense and moderate approach seems wise when it comes to caffeine. Having two cups of a caffeinated beverage each day seems to offer health protective benefits, while still giving you a boost when your energy level is low. Try adding non-caffeinated drinks to your day as well to help keep you satisfied, while allowing you to have variety in your beverage choices. In addition, try drinking plenty of water to ensure that the caffeine doesn’t dehydrate you, as it can do.

Caffeine, like anything, can cause troubles when you have too much. Instead of trying to cut it out completely, though many people have, you should attempt to moderate your consumption and enjoy all of its health benefits, without the downsides.

Health Monitoring at Home Makes Sense

Health Snapshot

When you use a program like Health Snapshot at home, you can let your doctor into your home without having to go to an health check appointment everyday. They will be able to see the seven different health indicators change as your habits change. You will also be able to do this health assessment on a daily basis as the test only take a few minutes of your time. This program is simple and it keeps track of all of your results over the course of time, showing you and your doctor what your health really looks like – in and out of the doctor’s office.

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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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