Exercises for fitness level N1

Exercises for fitness level N1

Exercise Fitness Level N1 is where people who have not done any real exercise in their lives belong and they should start exercising for their health’s sake.

Perhaps one of the downside of technology is that it leaves us no space to move around much. Tasks that can be done with our bare hands can now be finished in just a click. Washing machines, dishwashers, remote controls, elevators and other technological innovations have made us almost immobile. Everyday chores have been left to the care of machines and we are left without exercise. There are, in fact, people who have no experience of exercise and we categorize them under exercise fitness level N1.

Fitness exercises to feel body

Fitness is, in easy terms, the fine-tuning of our body. Just like a fine-tuned car, we are physically fit when we perform at our full potential. Not only do we look our best when we are physically fit but we also look and feel like it. People under exercise fitness level N1 are not physically fit and will need to start achieving this condition with beginner’s exercise.

Before people to exercise fitness level N1 should perform any kind of exercise, they should make sure that they consult with their doctors first especially if they are 35 years and above. People who have health problems should also consult with their doctors as minor strains from exercises to be performed could complicate their conditions.

Recommended fitness exercise programs

There are exercises programs that are fit for exercise fitness level N1 people are often cardiovascular or aerobic exercises. When doing exercises warm-ups and cool-downs are important regardless of how long you have been exercising. This is to prevent accidents that may injure the body. Warm-ups can be done for 5-10 minutes. Other people who have no real experience exercising could say that they are too busy to exercise so the best way to start is exercise for 20-30 minutes three times a week. If 30 minutes will take too much of your time then you can peg it at 20 but no less.

Fitness Level 1 and exercises

It is better to work slowly and gradually increase the strain of exercise for those belonging to exercise fitness level N1 because the body should recover from the pain that it will experience with the exercise that you will be doing. When you want to lose weight in order to be physically fit, have a target zone and concentrate on when doing cardiovascular exercise. You can work on your target zone for 20 minutes. It is also recommended by experts that beginners should do strength training to develop muscular strength and endurance. This would include push-ups, sit-ups, calisthenics and weight training. You can also lift hand weights; work on weight machines or use rubber bands or tubing. Of course the most popular form of cardiovascular exercise that can be done by beginners would include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, rope-jumping, rowing, cross-country skiing, and some continuous action games like tennis or badminton.

Post-exercise acticity supports fitness level

After doing your exercises, please do not forget to cool down. Cooling down will help reduce muscle pains and will help you avoid muscular injuries. You can cool down by stretching combined with low-level exercise and slow-walking. Just like warming-up, cooling down can be done in 5-10 minutes after performing your 20-minute cardio-vascular exercise.

Measure Your Fitness Level with Fitness Test

Fitness Test

With Fitness Test software, you can check your fitness level in just three minutes. All you need to do is to install the fitness software and then take the ear clip, plug it into your computer, and then attach it to your ear. In just a few minutes, you will get a detailed assessment of your fitness and whether you are on the right track. Honest and comprehensive, the Fitness Test allows you to increase your fitness and reach the goals you have set for yourself.

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Fitness Test benefits:

Fitness Test At Computer
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