Using Food Wisely for Stress Management

Stress Management And Food

One of the most common ways that people will manage their stress is by eating. They might turn to food for comfort, thinking that filling up their stomachs can make their lives more manageable. But in terms of stress management, this sort of eating can often lead to more troubles than it helps. You feel guilty about eating, adding to your stress level, which then makes you eat, etc. The good news is that you can use food for stress management, so long as you use the right foods. Here are some foods and eating tips you need to add to your stress management plans.

Use Whole Grain Carbohydrates

Many people will eat simple sugars when they are under stress. The sugar boosts their mood and it helps them to feel happier. But when this sugar is used by the body, this leads to a sugar crash, often making them feel worse than they did in the beginning. Instead of riding the sugar roller coaster, you might want to look into whole grain carbohydrates. Studies have shown that eating whole grains can stabilize your blood sugar, promoting feelings of calm, but they can also boost serotonin levels, which can make you feel more relaxed. Try adding one complex carbohydrate at every meal to see how this works for you.

Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Reduce Stress With Food

In addition, you will want to remove all caffeine from your diet of stress management. Caffeine makes your body work too hard and to move too quickly, which increases your heart rate and causes you to feel more stressed and tense. Take some time to slowly lower your caffeine intake over the course of a few weeks. While you might be tired at first, you will find your thinking to be clearer and your body to be more relaxed in time.

Eat Less at Each Meal

When you are stressed, it’s not a good idea to add more pressure on your body. If you are eating large meals, you need to cut these down a bit in order to give your body a rest. When you eat less at each meal, you will be able to digest easily and use up as little energy as possible along the way. Try eating every four to six hours to make sure your body always has calories in it, but that you’re never eating too much or too heavily.

Stress management can begin on your plate with a few simple tips. But following a balanced diet is good advice, no matter how you’re feeling or how you want to be feeling in your life. Find ways to incorporate all of the food groups and your body will begin to release the tension. Find time to use breathing techniques with Stress Sweeper help to reduce stress on a daily basis.

Testing Your Biological (Body's) Real Age

Biological Age Test

The Biological Age Test can help you find out in moments what your biological age is and how your age is changing. For some, this might mean they are aging too rapidly. For others, good habits may show that their biological age is moving downward, making them healthier and more youthful. It’s never too late to make changes in your life either. No matter what the results, being able to track one’s biological age will help you find out whether you are heading in the right direction for health or if you need to turn around and ask for more directions.

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Using a Stress Relieve Program

Stress Sweeper

If you haven’t been feeling well lately or you know that you’ve been more stressed out than you think, you might want to look into the Stress Sweeper program. By simply attaching a device to your ear and hooking it up to your computer, you can begin to train your body to feel better. The program will show your body responses over time and teaches you to make the necessary changes. By watching and being aware of your stress, you can begin to take steps to slow down and to relax. Sometimes just realizing you are more stressed than is healthy – as the Stress Monitor will show you – is enough to help you learn to breathe in the midst of crazy circumstances.


Monitor Your Health, Track Health Changes with Health Snapshot

Health Snapshot

Using a system like Health Snapshot will allow you to monitor your health on a daily basis. The test only takes a few minutes and the results are stored on your computer, helping you to monitor your progress in your health program. By simply making small changes, you can see your health assessments improve and your energy levels go up. When you are the one watching your health, you can be the one to take all the credit for its improvement too.

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Stress Monitor

Provides all means for continous stress monitoring and alerts on instant stress changes and an ability to treat the stress before it can harm the organism and thereby reduces the negative impact on your body.

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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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Stress Sweeper

Easy-to-use personal stress management tool for home and office use. Highest ratings from professionals around the world. Designed for people with high blood pressure, sleep disorders, health cautious individuals.

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Biological Age Test

Biological Age Test. Personal tool to evaluate and monitor biological age. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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