Stress Management - Alternative Treatments

Woman reducing stress

What are the alternative ways of stress management? To reduce stress we must understand what's causing it. Stressful feelings are the result of your body feeling as though it is under pressure at all times. While this might be the case, it does not make you feel any less frazzled or worried about your life. In order to help manage your stress, you need to seek out alternative treatments you will enjoy and which will not take up a lot of time or money. These alternative treatments for stress management are easy to locate and will help you to soothe your feelings of stress, often before they begin.

Stress Management With Massage Therapy

To reduce stress in your mind you can reduce it in your muscles. Releasing the tension from your muscles is one way to manage your stress. When you take the time to rub out your muscles, you will release not only tightness in the body, but tightness in the mind. It’s a good idea to seek out a massage therapist, but if you can not afford this, a tennis ball can work just as well. Whether you place the ball on the floor and roll against it or you put it on a wall to roll it with your back, you can get an intense massage experience without heading out the door. Encouraging your partner to provide you with a massage is another way to help you release tension as well. You can see how each type of massage reduces your stress by using Stress Monitor before and after the massage to see the difference in your stress.

Reduce Stress With Homeopathic Treatments

Stress Management

Homeopathy can help you significantly reduce stress. Homeopathy is the practice of introducing small amounts of ingredients into the body which stimulate the body to respond in a certain way. When these pills are taken, the body has to create a series of reactions, which they can help to interrupt and reduce stress. Flower essences and other related homeopathic remedies are easily found at drugstores and health food stores these days. Use Stress Monitor to see what remedies help your personality the most and focus on those. By taking these remedies on a regular basis for stress management, you will be able to increase your ability to cope with tension.

Spiritual Gatherings as Another Form of Stress Management

How spirituality can help reduce stress? Some people say that finding some sense of spirituality is the best form of stress management. No matter what you might believe or how you might want to practice, having some sort of community in which you can talk with others about your feelings will help to reduce stress. In addition, if you can find something that might be larger than yourself to give your problems over to, this can help to alleviate your stress, even if it’s simply a piece of paper onto which you write your problems and then you burn the piece of paper in a ritual of releasing.

Reduce Stress with Stress Sweeper

Stress Sweeper is a biofeedback stress management tool that is proven to be effective in reducing stress. It is being used by stress management counselors and astronauts but can be installed on your computer too as it's very simple to use.


With so many alternative treatments for stress management, you can begin to feel calmer and more connected to the world. In doing so, you will begin to change the way you feel and the way you relate to your stress. Maybe stress doesn’t have to be a part of your life and you can treat it on your own.

Using a Stress Relieve Program

Stress Sweeper

If you haven’t been feeling well lately or you know that you’ve been more stressed out than you think, you might want to look into the Stress Sweeper program. By simply attaching a device to your ear and hooking it up to your computer, you can begin to train your body to feel better. The program will show your body responses over time and teaches you to make the necessary changes. By watching and being aware of your stress, you can begin to take steps to slow down and to relax. Sometimes just realizing you are more stressed than is healthy – as the Stress Monitor will show you – is enough to help you learn to breathe in the midst of crazy circumstances.


Stress Monitor

Provides all means for continous stress monitoring and alerts on instant stress changes and an ability to treat the stress before it can harm the organism and thereby reduces the negative impact on your body.

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Stress Sweeper

Easy-to-use personal stress management tool for home and office use. Highest ratings from professionals around the world. Designed for people with high blood pressure, sleep disorders, health cautious individuals.

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