On the other hand, exercise does boost the immune system. For some, they feel that the exercise will allow them to sweat out their germs and get on the track to wellness. Gentle exercise can be used as a replacement for a harder workout, but the continued exercise will help to keep the body active and healthy. Done on a regular basis, exercise can also reduce stress and the severity of some illnesses. Some people find that they also seem to ‘forget’ about their sickness when they workout, helping to keep them from being down for the count when they get a cold or the flu. After all, it is very good for your fitness level.
Rules to Remember
No matter how sick you are or whether you decide to exercise, there are some things to keep in mind when worried about your fitness level. First of all, it’s never a good idea to workout when you have a high fever or when you are severely congested. Not only will this be quite uncomfortable, but you will also find your sickness can linger. You will want to wait until you’ve been free from a fever or stomach upset for 24 hours to ensure your body has enough time to rest before heading to the gym again.
Your fitness level will not decrease if you miss one workout or even several workouts. It might be in your best interest to listen to your body and to take the rest it needs in order to feel better. With time, you will be back up and ready to reach your new fitness goals.