To ensure you are gaining fitness, you will want to begin with a weight which feels slightly heavy, but one you can lift in the correct way for eight to twelve repetitions. If these repetitions are easy, you need a heavier weight. If you can’t lift the weight at all, you need a lighter weight. When you are lifting the last few repetitions should be difficult to do. Once you’ve been lifting weights for a while, you might find the weights become easier to lift, and this is a signal to add more weight and more weight…until you’re lifting as much as you can or as much as you want to lift.
Use Your Body Weight
Building fitness without extra weights. If you don’t have access to typical weights, it’s a good idea to use your own body weight. Pushups, for example, utilize your body when you push off from the ground – no extra weights needed. And if you’re losing weight, the pushups may even get easier the more you do them. You can also simply tense up your muscles when you are moving through a certain movement to build strength. Just focusing on the muscles will ensure you are breaking down the fibers enough to gain strength.
The more muscle you build, the higher your strength (fitness) level, but also your metabolism will be higher. This means, you can eat more without gaining weight. And that adds up to a fit and sleeker body.