How to Vacation and Head Back to Work Healthy, Refreshed

Healthy tips vacation

Webster defines ‘vacation’ as ‘a period of time for pleasure, rest or relaxation.’ How many of you actually take vacations like that? Raise your hands. Hmmm, I thought so – no hands. A recent Gallup survey of 1,000 people found that fifty-four percent of vacationers return home feeling worn out.

A long weekend is not enough.

In the first place, most people take only four or five days of vacation time and then they either stay at home and do tiring home projects or head to a vacation spot where they go non-stop sight-seeing or doing ‘fun’ activities, getting little sleep and trying exotic foods. On top of this, they race home and jump back into their work routine. Does that sound like ‘rest or relaxation?’ No, that sounds like the definition for stress and exhaustion.

Taking time away from your workplace can provide some relief from the demands of your job, but experts say that three to four days is not enough time for your body to completely restore itself from day to day work-stress. Research has shown that it is only after seven consecutive days of rest that the body decreases its signs of fighting stress.

How to avoid burn-out.

An extended restful vacation is not a luxury, it’s a necessity if you care about your health – now and long-term. How you treat your body on a day to day, week to week, and year to year basis is going to determine your health status as you grow older. It will influence whether you ‘feel good’ and avoid diseases or live with an aching body, no energy and develop health conditions that detract from your quality of life. Just as adopting a healthy diet and getting enough exercise contributes to good health, so does relief from work and home-related stress.

Healthy tips back to work

Here are some tips from the experts on how to prepare for and have a relaxing vacation:

  • Plan a vacation that fits your budget. You don’t need the added stress of paying off large credit card bills the rest of the year.
  • Build in an extra day before after you return to get unpacked, go to the grocery store and relax before it’s time to go back to work.
  • Give yourself enough time ahead to start packing so that you’re not rushed at the last minute causing stress.
  • Plan ahead also to get your work caught up so there is no last-minute cramming.
  • Plan a vacation that has plenty of downtime factored in along with the activities.
  • Book accommodations that are quiet and comfortable so you can rest and even take along your own pillow. Everyone sleeps better on their own pillow!
  • While it’s okay to try new and exotic dishes, add plenty of healthy foods to your diet while on vacation like fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, limit your alcohol intake. Your digestive system will thank you.
Home again!

Okay, you’ve taken all these tips to heart, had a wonderful, restful vacation and now you’re ready to get back to work. Start your first day slowly and get used to your work surroundings again. If at all possible, don’t jump into a huge, new project – save that for day two! Take care of all the small details of your day and maybe even take a brisk walk after work everyday the first week back to give you some extra energy and wean you slowly away from that vacation, outdoorsy feel. One more idea you might try is buy one of those nature sound machines or a CD to listen to through the day. It will be restful and will immediately remind you of the wonderful, relaxing time you had.

You Should Monitor Your Health Daily

Health Snapshot

With Health Snapshot, you will get a full assessment of your health, with seven different measurement points, in just five minutes. By monitoring the state of your health, you can be the one in charge of your body once more. You don’t have to wait around for a doctor to tell you that you are sick. You can watch your health levels change with this software program. And if you notice the daily measurements are heading downward, you can take action by changing your habits. But if those changes still don’t make a difference to your Health Snapshot values, it’s time to get additional help to get healthy.

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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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