What natural therapy can lower your blood pressure, relieve a headache, strengthen your immune system, reduce stress and help you sleep – and all in a one-hour session? If you guessed massage, you’re right on target. Massage can do all of these things and provide many more physical as well as mental benefits. A typical massage session lasts between half an hour to an hour and has been clinically proven to do much more than relax tense muscles.
Massage is the systematic, scientific manipulation of body tissues with the hands to relieve pain and reduce swelling, relax muscles, and speed healing after strains and sprains. Manipulations include light or hard stroking, compression (kneading, squeezing, and friction), and percussion (striking with the edges of the hands in rapid alternation). In acupressure, a style of massage derived from China, pressure is exerted on Chinese acupuncture points for healing effects. Massage has been shown to provide many benefits. Below are some of the physical as well as the mental benefits.
Physical benefits:
Relieves pain. Peer-reviewed medical research has shown that the benefits of massage include pain relief. It does this by stimulating the release of endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good hormones. Conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, back and neck pain, and many others can be helped by regular massage. Because massage relieves pain regardless of cause, it also lessens the body’s need for pain-killing medication.
Improves circulation. Massage improves the circulation of blood in the body and that means an improved supply of nutrients to individual cells of the body, and also improved transport of waste materials from these cells. Moreover, improved circulation promotes clearer, softer and healthier skin as the skin cells become more nourished with nutrients and oxygen.
Improves lymphatic system. When your lymphatic system is healthy, you are less susceptible to various illnesses, plus your body has a heightened ability to heal itself. Massage promotes the stimulation of the lymphatic system, boosting the body’s immunity and natural defense mechanisms.
Relieves inflammatory conditions and promotes flexibility. Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis and bursitis can be treated using massage to loosen and relax muscles. Frequent massage increases flexibility in the joints and improves a wider range of movements. Fluidity of movement brought about by regular massage also lessens the chances of getting muscle injuries.
Therapeutic abilities. In hospital settings, massage has been introduced to trauma and surgery patients to help them recover and rehabilitate. It has been shown that post-operative massage therapy helps shorten hospital stay.
Weight loss and cellulite removal. There is some evidence that massage helps break down excess fat under the skin, thus aiding in weight loss and removal of cellulite.
Mental benefits:
Relieves stress. Cortisol, another type of hormone, is released during massage. This hormone is responsible for lowering the stress levels of the body. The body is more capable of healing itself when stress levels are low. It also lowers blood pressure, allows the body to breathe more properly and lessens feelings of anxiety. A side benefit is that massage fulfills the body’s need for touch. Regular massage improves emotional well-being by making the person feel nurtured. This lowers stress levels and feelings of anxiety.
Improves concentration. Massage makes one feel relaxed and calm, which promotes focus and concentration. This, in turn, helps the mind to be more creative and productive. Massage also makes one more aware of the body and helps one to identify what the body needs.
Promotes better sleep. A lot of people suffer from anxiety, depression or some other issue that deprives them of regular sleep. Regular massage sessions can relax the mind and the body, which can often be the first step to getting the body ready to shut down for the night. Sleep is the time our body heals, rebuilds and refreshes so a lack of sleep can cause many problems such as irritability, lack of concentration, and fatigue.
Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years and is found in many cultures around the world. It promotes a rebalance of the body and all its systems and helps detoxify. If you’ve never had a massage, try it and see how wonderful you feel afterward!