Those who are happy tend to have large groups of support in their lives. They have a number of friends and perhaps even a spiritual community who they turn to for support and guidance. When you have more people to turn to in times of crisis, it seems that you will healthier. Those who live alone or who are not well-connected seem to have a higher risk of disease and will typically age faster than others in their same age group. Also, having a purpose in life, such as supporting friends and family, will help to create a stronger sense of well being and thus more health and a lower biological age.
Happier People are Ageless
Yes, those who are happy tend to have fewer wrinkles and lines and other outward signs of aging. Their skin tends to be more resilient, which allows them to look much younger than they actually are. The skin will also repair itself more easily, helping to keep their biological age lower then other sin their age groups. Though smiles do cause wrinkles over time, you can slow down this process by being happier.
Happiness can make you younger and it can lower your biological age. By seeking out ways to find happiness and to cultivate it in your life, you will begin to notice that you not only feel better about your life, but your life is healthier, richer, and more engaged.