Fitness Exercise for Those with Joint Problems

Exercise for Those with Joint Problems

Why is it so important to exercise when you have arthritis and joint problems? Fitness exercise is an important component in staying healthy when you have arthritis.

Moderate physical activity on a regular basis helps decrease fatigue, strengthens muscles and bones, increases flexibility and stamina, and improves your general sense of well-being.

Stretching, resistance and aerobic exercises. Check with your doctor or physical therapist to see which stretching, resistance and aerobic exercises you can safely do. Even ten minutes a day can make a difference to your mobility. For those who can’t do ‘regular’ exercises, you can still move. Vickie Spainhour, exercise physiologist with the Duke University Center for Living in Chapel Hill, N.C. advises using ankle weights (the kind that fasten with Velcro) attached to your wrists and ankles, or hand weights. You can also do shoulder rolls, leg lifts and arm raises while sitting down. Water aerobics is another option, and it doesn’t put pressure on sore joints. If you do not have a personal fitness coach, use Fitness Test to assess your fitness level and choose an appropriate set of exercises for your level.

Exercise/Joint Problems

Mini-trampoline or rebounder.

  • Fights fatigue by strengthening the glandular system to increase the capabilities of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland and the adrenals. The change in gravitational forces allows for greater blood flow. This increases the amount of waste and toxins flushed from the body. Rebounding can increase lymph flow by up to 15%!
  • Rebounding specifically stimulates the flow of lymph fluid through the lymphatic system.
  • Rebounding has a natural analgesic effect on the body which helps to relieve aching joints and pain in the neck, back, and head through the increase of circulation and oxygen flow. Conditions and strengthens the heart, which allows the resting heart to beat less often. This in turn sends a stronger surge of blood through the veins.
  • It provides an extremely effective 'no impact' exercise especially important for those with less mobility or undergoing rehabilitation.
  • It increases metabolism which assists the body in burning more calories. Rebounding has also been found to enhance digestion, relaxation, sleep patterns, nerve impulses and muscle fiber.
  • And, it’s fun!

Sunshine and exercises. When the weather is nice, it’s a great way to get some sunshine and exercise at the same time. During bad weather, try putting it in front of the television – be entertained and exercise all at once. Get bouncing!

Studies show that exercise actually decreases the amount of pain for people with arthritis, but the effects aren’t immediate. It may take up to a couple of months to experience pain relief. There’s a fine line between doing too much and doing too little so working with a professional will help you avoid hurting yourself.

Fitness TestFitness Test. It is recommended by professional coaches that any fitness-cautious individual, whether he's a beginner or a well-trained athlete, perform Fitness Test regularly. Fitness Test allows for a quick evaluation, tracking fitness progress and optimizing fitness program. It can be performed at home or in fitness clubs. Fitness level can be assessed in just 3 minutes and immediately compared on the absolute fitness level scale along with results of the national Olympic team. The tool will automatically track your fitness progress, and you'd get recommendations on how to improve your fitness and wellness.

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Measure Your Fitness Level with Fitness Test

Fitness Test

With Fitness Test software, you can check your fitness level in just three minutes. All you need to do is to install the fitness software and then take the ear clip, plug it into your computer, and then attach it to your ear. In just a few minutes, you will get a detailed assessment of your fitness and whether you are on the right track. Honest and comprehensive, the Fitness Test allows you to increase your fitness and reach the goals you have set for yourself.

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Monitor Your Health at Home

Health Snapshot

With Health Snapshot, you can begin to change the way you look at your health. Instead of simply being a person who waits to get sick, you can take charge today and prevent illness in the first place by simply monitoring your health. While it might seem that you are starting out in poor health, realize that you can turn things around quickly and see positive results in just weeks. With the Health Snapshot, it only takes a few minutes to see what your body needs from you and then you can take the appropriate actions. You will see the results on your computer and make the necessary changes to your life.

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Fitness Test benefits:

Fitness Test At Computer
What is my
fitness level?
Professionals highly recommend everybody to assess their fitness level and to begin their workout with  exercises designed for that level.
What is my best
time to workout?
Each individual has its own best time to workout. It's the best time to make progress and to minimize harm to the organism that might not always be ready for an exercise.
How much
to exercise?
It is very important to spend the right amount of time exercising for optimal results. Do not overtrain or undertrain the body.
Should I
lift weights?
Whether you're a beginner or a well trained athlete, lifting weights may or may not be what move you up to the next fitness level.
What food
should I eat?
What food is good for your fitness? What is generally good for people's fitness might not  be good for your body. What's the food that improves your body's fitness?
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Health Snapshot

Personal health monitor. Tracks daily health changes and alerts on possible health issues (including cancer) on its early stage. Designed for health cautious individuals, wellness centers, health clubs.

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