While we’re talking about being lazy in a good way, how about adopting the idea of ‘doing less’? Such as, do less busy-work. Slow down and relax. Try to live a more peaceful life and be content to do nothing sometimes, or do simpler things. Do less buying. Experts suggest that all of the ‘stuff’ we buy starts to own us instead of the other way around. If you shop less, spend less, and own less, then you have less to worry about – like a large house to store it in, higher insurance to protect it, higher credit card bills to pay, more to clean and maintain, higher utility bills, etc. All of this adds up to more stress and less time to relax and be lazy. Do less micro-managing. Think about how much time you spend over-seeing others – at work and at home. Do less future-planning and learn to live in the moment more. Yes, of course, you have to be responsible and plan for retirement, but most people go completely overboard. What you do with each day of your life is more important than stacking up piles of money for retirement. Do less judging and forcing. This is something a lot of people are guilty of – judging and expecting others to be what they want them to be instead of accepting others as they are. And one step further, trying to force something that doesn’t want to be forced, or someone to do something they don’t want to do is counterproductive and hard work. If you think about it, you’ll realize that it’s exhausting and time-consuming. Think about a stream – the water flows around obstacles not through them. Take a long, hard look at yourself and try to be more accepting of others and the way they do things. It will lift a weight off your shoulders and your relationships will flourish with others. This will relieve you of much work and stress. Remind yourself that ‘your way’ is not the ‘only way’.
Hormonal Imbalance
On the more physical side, let’s look at hormones. They manage our lives. If you have a hormone imbalance, your life goes off-track. It’s hard to relax and be lazy if you are stressed to the max. Moreover, hormones don’t just all of a sudden go wrong by themselves. Your hormones respond to stress by producing more of the stress hormone, cortisol. Also, when your body is under constant stress it causes an imbalance in the relationships with your cortisol and the other hormones in your body. You need to consult an endocrinologist who can test the levels of your hormones and discover what is out of balance. Out of whack hormones can cause any number of problems such as depression and fatigue.
Think about what life was like for our grandparents. Their lives moved at a slower pace, and yes, they worked hard, but they also took time to rest and enjoy simple pleasures. There was no such thing as medication for stress, anxiety or depression. Today, doctors write prescriptions for these medications every day. What has caused such a change in society? We try to ‘do it all’ - work more, play hard, climb the social and corporate ladder faster, earn more money, buy more things, give our children more than they need, have everything that our neighbors have, etc. Living this way has proven to be detrimental to our health. While this is the pace of world we live in, it doesn’t mean we can’t change things individually. Before it’s too late, take a step back and evaluate your day-to-day life. What could you change or give up to gain more rest and enjoyment, better health, and spend more quality time with your family and friends? If you think of relaxation as a necessity rather than an option, you will find it easier to work it in. And remember, it’s never too late to adopt a new way of thinking and change.
The bottom line.
The bottom line is be lazy sometimes and do less, but do less in a smart way. Declutter your life and do only what’s important, leaving time for fun and relaxation. For optimal health and happiness, go with the flow rather than against it!