Stress Disorders

Stress Disorders

There is no definite list of stress-related disorders. The same type of disease could have a stress origin or could be caused by something else. Many different factors may be combined with the stress in a person’s life that have a negative influence on the body function. The combination of negative factors is particularly dangerous because it creates more chances to develop certain diseases.

Among the many stress-related disorders the main ones are neuroses – mental imbalance caused by prolonged psycho-emotional experience, mental and physical strain, lack of rest or sleep, long-lasting internal struggling, inhibited feelings of grief, anger or suffering. Some somatic diseases may also cause neurosis as well.

Neurosis may appear due to having a lack of options to resolve a serious problem. It could happen when a person tries to resolve a problem, but is unable to do it. This leads to increased sensitivity or irritability to the problem making an individual more emotional. This then causes the person to experience various pains in response to the effect of stressors. Stress reactions are very different.

A satisfactory level of emotional gain makes a person perform better. However prolonged emotional strain eventually leads to a drop in performance. The more complex the activity is, the quicker the person becomes distressed, causing feelings of fatigue, apathy, loss of concentration, distraction and memory difficulties.

Some people may react to stress in a very active manner while the others would give up quickly. A proactive response may lead to snap decisions that focus on only the main aspects of the problem. This hyperactive-compulsive reaction leads to a significant increase in making mistakes while the activity remains strong or even increased. As opposed to this, an inhibited-reaction leads to slower thinking , and increases forward movement in the learning process. The emotional climate at work and home plays a major role in maintaining mental and physical health. Everybody’s mood depends a lot on the mood of the people who surround him/her, and it shows up in their words, mimics and behavior. When communicating with other people, one tends to take on their optimism or depression. Thus mutual sympathies become typical signs of good atmosphere in the group of co-workers or family members.

Nobody is immune from accidents, irreplaceable losses or insoluble problems. However, it isn’t good to focus on negative emotions too long or let depression overwhelm you. For your health, it is much better to focus on trying to find a positive solution.

Stress Management products. Also last time more and more stress counselors recommend using Stress Sweeper. Evening session of 20 minutes a day has been proven to reduce daily stress withing a couple of weeks on regular usage.

Using a Stress Relieve Program

Stress Sweeper

If you haven’t been feeling well lately or you know that you’ve been more stressed out than you think, you might want to look into the Stress Sweeper program. By simply attaching a device to your ear and hooking it up to your computer, you can begin to train your body to feel better. The program will show your body responses over time and teaches you to make the necessary changes. By watching and being aware of your stress, you can begin to take steps to slow down and to relax. Sometimes just realizing you are more stressed than is healthy – as the Stress Monitor will show you – is enough to help you learn to breathe in the midst of crazy circumstances.


Stress Monitor

Provides all means for continous stress monitoring and alerts on instant stress changes and an ability to treat the stress before it can harm the organism and thereby reduces the negative impact on your body.

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Stress Sweeper

Easy-to-use personal stress management tool for home and office use. Highest ratings from professionals around the world. Designed for people with high blood pressure, sleep disorders, health cautious individuals.

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