The fitness level goals you set need to be attainable. In making sure you choose goals that you could physically attain, you will allow yourself to have a goal which you can actually celebrate meeting some day. You might not be able to run 500 miles in an hour, but you might be able to run ten miles in an hour with the right training.
R – Realistic Fitness Level Goal
Like ‘attainable,’ a realistic fitness level goal keeps your fitness level and age in mind. For example, if you are 80 years old, you might not choose to climb Mount Everest. While some have, you might find this isn’t realistic for you. Take some time to think about what is truly realistic for yourself, without limiting yourself.
T – Time Specific Fitness Level Goal
Finally, your fitness level goal should include some sort of time frame. In doing so, you will allow your mind a specific time frame in which to meet that goal. That will allow you to chart your progress and to make sure that you’re taking steps each day toward reaching that fitness level goal.
Creating goals is necessary when you want to hit certain timetables or you want to be in certain athletic events. You can create SMART goals for any number of purposes, though many find they are best suited to fitness level goals.
And while you might find you can meet these goals easily, you can just set new SMART goals for yourself each time you reach one goal. In doing so, you will stay motivated, fit and effective in your workout regimen.