
Fitness Ball Exercises
Fitness ball exercises work to strengthen the core muscles including the hard-to-get-to muscles. They also improve balance and overall coordination. Below are fitness ball exercises that should be part of everyone’s exercise regime. Fitness Exercises - General Recommendations Give some of these exercises a shot in addition to your regular workout next time you're at the gym, and after a...
Family And Health Home Services
Home health services are something you might think is far off in your future. But when you are facing a long recovery period or you are in the throes of a chronic medical disorder, you will need more help than you or your family can manage. With a home health aide or other care giver, you can make sure your recovery is pleasant and smooth, without putting strain on yourself or on those you love...
Stressed at Work?
What is job stress? According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (a division of the CDC), job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. The concept of job stress is often confused...
Acid-alkaline balance
What is the acid/alkaline balance? Why is it so important to optimize it? Can it cause the disease? How else it affects our lifes? What do we need to optimize acid/alkaline balance and to reflect it in our diet? Your body is a complex system that needs to strike a delicate balance between acidity and alkalinity in order to not only survive, but to thrive. The proper acid/alkaline balance varies...