Stress management tips

Stress level and health risks
When we hear the term “stress” we always associate it with health. While it is true that the stress level of the person has an impact on his/her health, the effect isn’t always negative. Stress becomes harmful if it isn’t managed properly or if a person is overwhelmed by the amount of stress he/she encounters. When stress is not managed properly, it can cause the...
Stress level
Stress in a normal response to stimulus. For most people, it comes as a byproduct of events that threaten their balance. Our body’s stress response was designed to protect us. That’s why we run when we sense danger. In many cases, stress helps us stay focused, energetic and alert. Stress responses help us meet challenges – it drives us to study for the exam, to slam on the...
Monitoring stress for stress-less life
A quick search on the internet will tell us how big a topic stress is. With the world undergoing a transition and people experiencing unemployment and loss of income, stress has become a fact of life. More and more people are reporting chronic headaches and migraines. Heart disease and high blood pressure are just two of the most common ailments affecting people today. The cry for a stress-less...
Monitoring stress at home
Stress isn’t always a negative thing. As a matter of fact, with enough stress, people become more productive and they perform well at work and even in their personal lives. Stressors are everywhere but whatever stresses one person may not stress the other. The reason for this is simple: people get stressed because they allow themselves to be. In order to fight stress, one will need to know...
Monitoring stress at home
Why would anyone want to measure stress? The answer is pretty simple: by knowing your stress level, you can take action to control stress before it controls you. What tools are used to measure stress, you ask? There’s actually a variety of them. Let’s discuss some of the ways to measure stress: 1. Stress assessment tests: These are interactive tools found on the internet. Stress...
Stress Monitors
Make a search on the internet for the term “stress” and you will see how many people are talking about it. With the global economic recession in our midst, the study of stress has become even more important. With stress affecting all major systems in the body, the lack of stress management skills has a huge impact on health and well being. According to many medical experts, the key to...
Healthy and energetic morning
Do you feel sluggish and unmotivated in the morning? Do you have trouble rolling out of bed when the alarm goes off? Do you drag yourself to the bathroom and just wish you could climb back into bed for a few more hours? You’re not alone: many people feel this way.         There are natural ways, however, to remedy this and increase your morning energy. Get regular...
stress in our life
Science studies have learned there are two forms of stress. Chronic Stress and acute Stress. Acute Stress generally involves a situation and does not last long. Acute stress can be caused by the tension of giving a presentation or completing a work related project on time. Acute stress is frequent in our lives and sometimes cannot be anticipated or prevented. We can only deal with it as happens....
Stressed at Work?
What is job stress? According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (a division of the CDC), job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. The concept of job stress is often confused...
Why do I get tired so easily? Actually, feeling tired a lot is pretty much a national epidemic. There are many reasons people tire easily, and they can be physical, mental and emotional. Researchers say that 10% of all visits to a doctor’s office are because of constant fatigue. If you’re one of those people, read on to see if these reasons fit you and what you can do about it. Is it...